Finalizing concepts and storyboards


ty2 ty1ry 10700527_10202700995266174_960580929001960220_o 10476554_10202684319369287_7597166777854961133_oThe images above are some of the teams concept work. Im loving Tyrone’s painting of the carrot and the sushi 1v1.

ch ch1sushiJust some more reference images Charlie posted.

10610550_10202698834292151_5737952588890776874_nThis was our initial post-it note storyboard.

10414888_10202691559710291_7041788546472135762_n1185257_10202691558190253_1199343864527317256_n 10647054_10202691558470260_1528483233771414195_n1897684_10202698835052170_7430855357425086417_n10702001_10202691557430234_4329770838279144110_nAfter the post-it note storyboard we started roughing them out bigger trying to get a better feel for angles and shots as well as working out the timing (roughly)

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These are just some of my sketchbook drawings looking at the sushi ninjas.

References on style->

Samurai Jack, Afro samurai and kung fu panda,


Ryan Woodwards Life drawing book->

Ryan woodward has a life drawing book. That was swiftly added to the wishlist! Theres a small collection of some of the drawings on his website, love the style of them, wish I could draw like that.

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